Good morning all ... Asalumalaikum ...wr...wb
Priese and gratidude we pray for the presensi of tanks to ALLAH . estabilishment i am here to read my speech . as for the material i will present is a matter of "What his exiting jungle"
As for the subject of wich will present the following .
* Forest as nature rsevere
The nature resevere is aresevere area because it's of natural state has the pecularities of plants,animal, and ecosystems or patriculars ecosystem that needs to be protected development occurs natirally.
Examples rigion used as a nature reseve is a indonesian ,is a nature rsevere Panajung Pangandaran is west java .
And discussion of the subject mouth to two:
* Forest produce various compenent
The forest is palce to stay as the plant and animal that interact wich each other, and also interact with the sorrounding enviroment . Based in the dictionary ,they term is defined as a colection of a forest dense trees along with various other plants whiting a given teritory.
There are to main component that make up life in the forest. Both of these component as will as abiotic component (non-biologicial) or something is not alive . component biaotic include a variety of plan and animal such as birds ,frogs ,snakes ,fish , bees ,an so on.
And now i am going to discus the subject mouth to tree at the las one in my speech ,that is
* Forest also protect what is in his
Forest areas that have been set by the goverment or a certain grup of people to be protected , so the ecologicial function espencially concrening water management and soil fertility-can stil walk and enjoy the benefis the sorrounding comunity.
Protected forest can be set in the upper reaches of the river (including the sorrounding mountains) as the catment area of rain (catment area) , along the river if apporopiate , at the edges of the beach (eg mangroves) , and other place according the finciton expedted.
It whas the discussion on who i could tell my speech , i gues so was the speech . if no words wong please was inforgive who ,good come his from ALLAH SWT and unfavorable or my own , and i end with....
Asalamualaikum ... Wr...wb....
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